Spokesperson of the Austrian Court of Audit
The Austrian Court of Audit (ACA) is the supreme institution for independent auditing in our republic. Its work ensures that resources of the state, in other words the taxpayers’ money, are spent effectively and in a sensible way. The media play a vital role in the ACA’s pursuit of achieving such an impact. This is why the ACA has its own spokesperson; he is the first point of contact for journalists. With the support of the department Communication and Relations with Parliament he is eager to deliver a comprehensive range of services to the media. As the spokesperson of the ACA he also makes public statements.
You can also follow the spokesperson on Twitter (@RHSprecher).
In this respect the following rules apply ("Twitter Policy"): Tweets are meant to be seen as announcements of the ACA. The spokesperson (@RHSprecher) will communicate on Twitter in a way that is fitting for a public institution; he will only occasionally follow individual persons or organisations.
This does not imply a close relationship to the ACA. Retweets are not evaluations. A response to direct messages will not be possible in general. Direct messages are no means for officially contacting the ACA.
Whenever possible despite Twitter’s limitations, questions or requests by journalists will be gladly answered via this medium.
Head of Office and Spokesperson of the ACA
Mag. Christian Neuwirth
Telefon: (+ 43 1) 711 71 - 8435
Mail: neuwirth(AT)rechnungshof.gv.at
We kindly ask you for your understanding that the spokesperson of the ACA will only reply to questions or requests by representatives of the media.