The Roll-out of Intelligent Measuring Devices (Smart Meters)

The Austrian Court of Audit (ACA) carried out an audit of the roll-out of intelligent measuring devices (smart meters) at the then responsible Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy – this competence now lies with the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism – and the Austrian regulator for electricity and natural gas markets E-Control Austria, as well as at the Lower and Upper Austrian network operators for electricity and gas supply Netz Niederösterreich GmbH and the Netz Oberösterreich GmbH. The audit focused in particular on the organization in the run-up to the roll-out of the smart meters, the quality of the cost-benefit analysis as the basis for decision making, the cost coverage by E-Control Austria, the definition of operational requirements as well as on selected topics related to consumer protection, data protection and cyber security.
Bericht des Rechnungshofes Österreich "Einführung intelligenter Messgeräte (Smart Meter)