Inter-company apprenticeship
From August to November 2019, the Austrian Court of Audit (ACA) carried out an audit of the inter-company apprenticeship - one of the most important training measures of the Austrian public employment service for young people with a considerable relevance for financial management. The inter-company apprenticeship is a central scheme in the framework of compulsory training up to 18.
The audit aimed at assessing the project management, the costs and the effectiveness. The focus was on the project design and the target group of the inter-company apprenticeship, the costs and financing, the targets and target attainment as well as the selection of the educational institutions and the participants. The audited period spanned the years from 2016 to mid-2019.
Central recommendations
- Indicators on the costs per participants per day that are suitable for benchmarking should be developed in the public employment service. Such indicators should enable analyses broken down by contractual partner, apprenticeship profession and training option.
- The public employment service should define target values for labour market success, the switch to in-company apprenticeship and the apprenticeship completion rate.
- In the public employment service of Upper Austria, the high number of participants in the special training form "partial qualification" should be critically examined.
- The objective to increase the offer concerning the more company-oriented training option “Inter-Company Apprenticeship 2” should be further pursued in the public employment service of Vienna.
- Considering the advantages and drawbacks of the different options of the inter-company apprenticeship, the public employment service should carry out an accurate allocation of the participants focusing on the objective to offer a training for young people that is as labour-market oriented as possible.
- pdf Datei:
- 2,445.6 KB
- Umfang:
- 90 Seiten